Pick a color that will serve as the target color for your ranking - that is, the closer to the
selected color, the higher an item will rank, ignoring diversity.
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How diverse?
Drag the lever to determine the importance diversity should play in your ranking. The higher diversity is
the easier for quite diverse entities to rise to the top.
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An empty space?
In this box you will see your sample - once generated - as well as the final ranking.
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In case you want to remind yourself of some part of the process, hit the "Tour" button again!
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Pick a color:
Diversity level:
Generate a sample!
Push this button to generate a sample of 30 points with various colors, randomly chosen.
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Rank the sample you have generated taking into account their proximity to your chosen color as well as
the amount of diversity you have chosen.
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Take a Tour!
Do you want to take a tour to get to know our diversity aware ranking app?